
Corporate finance


Corporate finance

At Baat, we understand that every decision within your company is crucial, especially when it comes to buying and selling transactions, strategic advice, financing advice and business valuation.
Our corporate finance services offer customized advice that is fully tailored to your unique situation, whether you are dealing with a growing business or challenging times.

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Purchase and sale counseling

Buying or selling a business is more than just a business transaction.
It is a strategic process that requires careful preparation and expertise.
At Baat we guide you through every step of this process, from identifying your needs and wishes to finalizing and financing the deal.
Our approach ensures that you can make the right decisions informed and confident.

Why purchase and sale counseling?

  • Strategic Planning: Together, we develop a roadmap that clearly defines your goals and expectations.
  • Value Creation: We ensure that your company is optimally positioned for a successful transaction.
  • Network and expertise: Thanks to our extensive network and in-depth market knowledge, we put you in touch with the right buyers or sellers.
  • Negotiation and structuring: We are by your side during negotiations and help structure the deal so that it fits your needs perfectly.

With Baat as your partner, you can rest assured that every step of the process will be carefully managed and that no detail will be overlooked.
Our goal is to achieve a deal that is not only financially attractive, but also makes strategic sense.

Strategic, business and financing advice

Whether you are striving for growth, facing complex challenges, or looking to restructure your business, we offer strategic advice tailored to your specific situation.
Our experts have years of experience advising companies, both in stable times and in difficult times.
As a debt advisor, we help you achieve an appropriate future financing structure and conditions.

Why strategic, business and finance consulting?

  • Understanding Growth Opportunities: Discover where the opportunities are for your business to grow further.
  • Restructuring: Guide your company through restructuring processes to improve efficiency and profitability.
  • Financing Solutions: Get access to customized financing structures that fit your (growth) strategy.
    As an independent advisor, we also help you approach financing parties.
  • Crisis Guidance: Navigate challenging times with sound and practical advice to get your business back on track.

Our strategic and financial advice is always based on a thorough analysis of your company and the market.
We help you make informed decisions that contribute to the long-term success of your company.

Due diligence

Do you want to sell or take over a company? Then due diligence-literally, due diligence-is essential. This process gives you a detailed picture of the financial, fiscal, operational and legal health of a company. This way you are able to make a well-considered choice whether or not to proceed with the purchase.

Why due diligence?

  • Insight: Get a clear picture of a company’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Risk Management: Identify and manage the risks associated with a business acquisition.
  • Support: Trustees can rely on financial and tax support during this process.
  • Legal Structure: Determine the appropriate legal structure and terms for the transaction, understanding both risks and opportunities.

With a due diligence investigation you know exactly where you stand. After all, care is the key to a successful transaction. Each sub-research is carried out by our specialized teams within their own disciplines. The final result is an integrated report with all the findings of the various sub-studies.

Business valuation

Knowing the right value of your business is essential, whether you are buying, selling, or restructuring.
Our valuation experts use state-of-the-art methods to create an accurate and reliable business valuation.
Using this value as a foundation, we help you determine the right course for your business.

Why Business Appraisal?

  • Understanding Value: Get a clear and up-to-date picture of the value of your business.
  • Decision support: Use this valuation as a foundation for important strategic decisions, for example, the purchase – or sale of a business, a legal or tax dispute, a business transfer or employee participation.
  • Optimizing Value: Identify and capitalize on opportunities to maximize the value of your business, whether it is selling, merging or restructuring.

Our valuations are not only accurate, but practical, so you can take the next steps in your entrepreneurial journey with confidence.

Ready to take the next step?

At Baat, we are here to support you in every important decision within your business.
Whether you are considering selling your company, looking to grow through acquisitions, or simply need advice on the future of your business, we are here to guide you.
Our customized approach ensures that every decision you make is based on in-depth insights and strategic advice that perfectly matches your ambitions.

Contact us today and find out how we can help you successfully take the next step in your business journey.