



In this day and age, tax law is a maze of size, complexity and constant change. This is why our tax specialists are sparring partners and specialize in their own areas. Your relationship manager can call on other experts if necessary, so that you can always count on the best advice, both for your company and for you personally.

  • Advice from A to Z
    We are ready to support and guide you through every step of your entrepreneurial journey. Whether it concerns setting up a company, expanding it, even across borders, or eventually transferring it. We provide advice on the optimal business structure, taking into account all tax aspects, regulations and your personal wishes.

    In complex cross-border situations, where you have to file tax returns in multiple countries, we ensure that all necessary data is available on time and fits together seamlessly, in collaboration with local advisors.

    Our approach to tax returns goes beyond simply filling out a form. We prepare carefully compiled reports, striving for complete accuracy and transparency. If there are points that are open to discussion, we will discuss these with you in advance and coordinate them with the inspector to ensure the desired certainty.

    Baat has an agreement for Horizontal Supervision with the Dutch Tax Authorities. This partnership promotes efficiency, prevents duplication of effort and provides greater certainty for taxpayers, resulting in lower costs. Who wouldn’t want that? Participation in Horizontal Supervision implies that the Tax Authorities trust the quality of your tax return, which results in fewer questions and checks on their part.

  • Specialists in VAT
    In real estate, VAT issues often go hand in hand with transfer tax. That is why we consider transfer tax as an integral part of our expertise in VAT.

    We provide support with audits, draw up tailor-made VAT work plans for companies (tax control framework), answer query letters, provide advice on the application of complex rules, such as international activities and the use of zero rates, carry out due diligence investigations , assess grants and much more.

    Need help with VAT issues or want an assessment of whether you are still coloring within the lines? Please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help you.

  • All-round financial advice
    Financial planning is about thoroughly analyzing both your current and future financial situation. We map out your asset and income position and structure it with a view to your personal goals and future plans.

    Estate planning is a natural progression from financial planning. Your estate will be arranged in the most advantageous manner possible, taking into account all relevant aspects of matrimonial property law, gift and inheritance tax, and any transfer of a business.

    Pension advice requires more and more expertise from the advisor. Whether it concerns pension obligations within your own company, taking out insurance products or setting up a pension scheme for your employees. We are happy to help you with expert advice.

  • Personal Finance
    Our experts specialize in financial planning for entrepreneurs, private individuals and director-majority shareholders. We also focus on estate planning to ensure that your assets are properly transferred to future generations. Baat Personal Finance also provides advice on various pension issues. Together with you, we draw up a plan for a solid financial future, both in the short and long term. With our guidance, you are assured of a healthy financial situation now and in the future.

need advice?

Do you feel like there is more potential in your business than you are currently utilizing? Are you looking for ways to optimize your business processes, save costs and increase your profitability? At Baat we understand the challenges that entrepreneurs like you face.